Winning the Game of Life with Aspiration, Ambition, and Action with Marshall Goldsmith
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is ranked as Thinkers50 World’s #1 Leadership Thinker, World’s #1 Executive Coach, and a New York Times #1 Bestselling Author. He is a member of the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame, has won the Lifetime Award for Leadership from the Harvard Institute of Coaching, and is on the list of Amazon’s “100 Best Leadership & Success Books Ever Written.” Goldsmith has coached over 200 CEOs and their management teams. His experience and deep focus on leadership have enabled him to understand how successful people think and make decisions. He’s been coaching positive leadership behavioral changes that help us overcome challenges and become more confident. Marshall’s coaching tactics discover roadblocks that prevent us from reaching our best potential and lead to a fulfilled life.
One of Marshall’s first executive clients was Alan Mulally, one of the most outstanding leaders in the USA (Former CEO of Boeing & Ford). Marshall admits that Alan was the person who changed his life. When Marshall started using the famous Business Plan Review, developed by Alan, in his coaching, he transformed it into Life Plan Review, using the“accountability & collaboration process” for personal and professional growth tracking.
Marshall talks about his newest book, “The Earned Life: Loose Regret, Choose Fulfillment”, where he shares findings about coaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, the post-pandemic work-life balance desire, and the Great Resignation, connected with people’s urge to seek meaning, get unstuck, and make changes.
Marshall’s tips for achieving a successful life lie in three areas: Aspiration – finding a profound meaning; Ambition – setting goals; and Action – our day-to-day activities that should be based on our aspirations and goals. It’s essential to combine the three.
As someone who transformed the executive coaching industry, Goldsmith has discovered that everyone can get better at something, no matter how successful they are. It’s OK to get help and bring in experts as needed. So many people he has worked with have made a conscious effort to get the coaching they need to become better leaders.
Join us to hear Marshall Goldsmith’s insights on how courage, humility, and discipline can help us achieve positive change, reach our fullest potential, and succeed!